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17 years of Friendzone

A quick View of Jess @F_and_R_Candles and I @G.off_Crafted (Instagram).

Two kids, many friends, a softball game and a total dork that would fall in love to be jammed into the friendzone. I wasn't the most studly, I was a car/ eagle scout/ tech/ building/ introvert that ran on a different wave length than my peers. It wasn't bad though. Throughout highschool Jess and I had the best friendship you could imagine; We were there for each other, up/ downs, parties, vineyard rally runs, mudding, long drives, relationships-- we experienced so much with each other, growing and developing.

I left for the Marine Corps, I think this was the first time I saw Jess cry outside of some stupid boys. We hand wrote each other those 13 weeks I was in bootcamp-- I confessed my love and was shot down, OUCH. I was growing learning, Jess was finishing her senior year and I was getting ready to go on my first deployment, Jess was in bootcamp and had told me the same way I told her I loved her in a pinned letter. Here was my ingorant chance for revenge, I told her exactly what she told me, "You are just lonely because you are in bootcamp, you don't actually feel that way about me." What an absolute IDIOT! Right? I beat myself up for a long time because of that.

A couple years later Jess would get married, ego and ignorance strikes again-- I got mad, she got mad--we lost connection for some time. I never stopped thinking about her. Here and there I would see photos and take a few moments to look at them. One day we reconnected, now both out of the Marine Corps, living back in our home town. She walked down to my house it was only a few houses down from where she lived with her two year old and this is when I found out she was single.

Now was my chance! Holy butterfly's. After hanging out for a couple weeks we were watching a movie and I decided to kiss her-- the rush of emotions was unexplainable and amazing. From this point we were together, best friends since high school with the best foundation we have grown, learned, evolved and built. I am so humbled to say that after 17 years I have finally Married my Best Friend. Friendzone defeated and the childhood dork with the help of his best friend has become the most well rounded version of himself.

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